Short Biography 「略歴」
I am originally from a small town in north Florida named Blountstown. Blountstown is a very small conservative town full of small town values and big Sunday dinners. I left when I was 18 to pursue acting at Troy University. There I double majored in Theatre/Communication Arts and English. From there I got my first teaching job in Houston, Texas where I stayed for three years. I like Houston a lot but wanted to escape the cinder-block walls of high school teaching and began planning my ascent into graduate school. I did a year at the University of Texas at Dallas before I realized that English teaching rather than drama was my passion. With the first 18 credits of that degree under my belt, I headed to Japan to teach EFL English to Japanese high school students. I loved every aspect of my life in Japan and ended up staying five years. With the intent to return to Japan as quick as possible and teach in a Japanese university, I moved to Hawaii to finish a Master's program in Second Language Studies. I graduated with an M.A. in Second Language Studies from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. I have now returned to Japan where I teach university English. I live in a small, very rural town not too far from Osaka and Kobe.
Throughout my life I have had several interests that have stayed with me from junior high school to now. I will list them here and over time will post more information about them in this section of my portfolio.
Throughout my life I have had several interests that have stayed with me from junior high school to now. I will list them here and over time will post more information about them in this section of my portfolio.
Personal Interests 「趣味」

- Theatre 「演劇」
- Choir & Voice 「合唱団」
- Canoeing & Kayaking 「カヌー」
- Travel & Photography 「旅行/写真撮影」
- Graphic Design & Layout 「グラフィックデザイン」
- Japanese Language & Culture 「日本語と日本文化」