Publications 「著作」
(Click on blue links to read papers.)
- (2022). Page to Stage: An Empirical Study of Foreign Language Learning (FLL) and Motivation Through Playwriting, Readers Theatre, and Stage Production. The Mask & Gavel, 10: pp. 7-33. Speech, Drama, and Debate Special Interest Group (SIG) of the Japan Association of Language Teachers (JALT). DOI:
- (2017). Beyond the Classroom: Extracurricular L2 Exposure and Beliefs in Japan. Kwansei Gakuin University Humanities Review, 21: 225-240. Kwansei Gakuin University. [ISSN 1342-8853]
- (2016). Drama in the L2 Classroom: A Defense and Practicum. The Mask & Gavel, 5: pp.5-22. Speech, Drama, and Debate Special Interest Group of the Japan Association of Language Teachers (JALT). [Online Journal]
- (2016). Designer Babies and the Future of Genomics. Frontiers in Science: English IB Reading Textbook, 3th edition, pp. 62-3. Kwansei Gakuin University, School of Science and Technology.
- (2015). The Live Act of Coming Out: Queer identity, Social Media, and Conversation analysis. Kwansei Gakuin Social Sciences Review Journal, 20: pp.11-26. Kwansei Gakuin University. [ISSN 1342-8861]
- Barbee, M. (2014). Genre Analysis in ESP Curriculum Design: Meeting the Language Needs of a Migrant Micronesian Population. Kwansei Gakuin Humanities Review Journal. Volume 19: pp.151-160. Kwansei Gakuin University. [ISSN 1342-8853]
- (2014). Furthering the Case for Drama in the Second Language Classroom. POLYGLOSSIA Journal: The Asia Pacific's Voice in Language and Language Teaching. Volume 26: pp.13-26. The Ritsumeikan Center for Asia Pacific Studies. Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University. [ISSN 1345-0891]
- (2014). Extracurricular L2 Input in a Japanese EFL Context: Exposure, Attitudes, and Motivation. Selected Papers in Second Language Studies, 32: 80 pages. University of Hawaii, Department of Second Language Studies. [Online Paper]. [Appendices including full survey].
- (2012). Needs Analysis to Program Development: A New ESP Program for a Micronesian Population in Hawaii. In H. Ahn & M. Vidal (Eds.) Proceedings 2012: Selected Papers from the Sixteenth College-wide Conference for Students in Languages, Linguistics, and Literature, pp. 29-40. College of Languages, Linguistics, and Literature, University of Hawaii at Manoa. (Co-author) [Online Paper]
- (2010). Effective Speaking Techniques for the EFL Student. Eiken Miyazaki, pp. 27-33. High School English Teachers of Miyazaki Prefecture. Miyazaki City, Miyazaki.
Presentations 「プレゼンテーション」
- (2020). Coming Out in English: The Search for Queer Identity and Well-being in a Japanese EFL Context. The 59th Annual JACET International Convention (presented at the 3rd JAAL in JACET 2020 Conference). Kyoto: Japan. [Online Conference]
- (2020). Microsoft Teams for the Classroom: Beyond Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT). Presented at the Kansai JACET 2020 Conference. Kyoto, Japan. [Online Conference].
- (2020). Microsoft Teams for Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) and Beyond. Presented at The Doshisha University, Faculty of Global and Regional Faculty and Development Workshop. Kyoto: Japan. [Online Conference]. [Co-presenter].
- (2017). Getting Dramatic in the Classroom: From Hostile Climes to Excellence. Presented at the 37th Annual Thailand TESOL International Conference. Bangkok: Thailand.
- (2016). Power and Identity through Second Language Acquisition: A Case Study. Presented at the 36th Annual Thailand TESOL International Conference. Khon Kaen: Thailand.
- (2015). Defending Drama in the L2 Classroom: Building Bonds Between Teachers and Administrators. Presented at the 2015 JALT Speech, Drama, and Debate SIG Conference. In association with the Japan Association of Language Teachers. Meio University: Okinawa, Japan.
- (2014). Developing and Sharing ESP Material for English Communication Classes: Group Research Presentations. Presented at the annual research day held by the English department of Kwansei Gakuin University, School of Science and Technology.
- (2014). Effective Techniques for Public Speaking in English. Presented at the English Speaking Society Workshop and English Speech Competition. Osaka City University’s ESS Organization.
- Exposure, Attitudes, and Motivation: Extracurricular English Input in Japan. The Asian Conference on Language Learning (ACLL). Osaka, Japan (2013). [Presentation]
- EXPOSED! Extracurricular L2 Input in Japan. Seventeenth College-wide Conference for Students in Languages, Linguistics, and Literature. University of Hawaii at Manoa. Honolulu, Hawaii (2013). [Presentation]
- L2 Exposure Outside the Japanese EFL Classroom. Japan Association of Language Teachers Conference (JALT). Kobe, Japan (2013). [Presentation]
- [Guest Lecturer in a Graduate Class] Drama in the Second Language+ Classroom: Breath Life Into Your Lesson. University of Hawaii at Manoa. Honolulu, Hawaii (2012). [Presentation] [Handout]
- Needs Analysis and Genre Analysis in ESP Program Development. Hawaii TESOL Conference. Hilo, Hawaii (2013). [Presentation] [Handouts]
- [Guest Lecturer] Process vs. Production: Drama as Pedagogy in the Second Language Classroom. University of Hawaii at Manoa. Honolulu, Hawaii (2012). [ Presentation]
- Development of a New Adult ESP Program for a Micronesian Population in Hawaii. Sixteenth College-wide Conference for the School of Languages, Linguistics, and Literature. University of Hawaii at Manoa. Honolulu, Hawaii (2012). [Presentation]
- [Guest Lecturer] English through Drama: Pedagogy for the Second Language Classroom. University of Hawaii at Manoa. Honolulu, Hawaii (2012).
- [Guest Lecturer] The Act of "Coming Out": Talk-in-Interaction Live (CA Perspective). University of Hawaii at Manoa. Honolulu, Hawaii (2012). [Presentation]
- [Guest Lecturer] Teaching English in Japan. Brownbag Lecture Series, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Honolulu, Hawaii (2012).
- What They Didn't Teach You in Tokyo: Orientation to Teaching in Miyazaki. Miyazaki Board of Education, Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme Orientation. Miyazaki, Japan (2011).
- Team Teaching Techniques for the EFL Classroom. Miyazaki Board of Education, JET Mid-year Conference. Miyazaki, Japan (2010)
- Thriving as LGBT in Japan. Annual Tokyo Orientation and Conference, National JET Programme. Tokyo, Japan (2010). [Presentation]
- Curriculum and Materials Development: Debate as a Tool for English Acquisition. Miyazaki Board of Education, JET Mid-year Conference. Miyazaki, Japan (2009).
- English Pronunciation and Intonation Workshop. Miyazaki Board of Education, JET Mid-year Conference. Miyazaki, Japan (2008).
- Lesson Planning and Materials Development for the EFL Classroom. Miyazaki Board of Education, JET Mid-year Conference. Miyazaki, Japan (2007).
- Principles of Effective Communication for the Stage. Kingwood College Summer Theatre Conservatory, Kingwood Community College. Kingwood, Texas (2005).
- Powerpoint in the Classroom: A Guide for Teachers. Teacher's Inservice Training, MacArthur High School. Aldine School District, Texas (2004). [Presentation]
Hawaii TESOL Presentation
Other Research and Papers 「その他の研究・論文」
- (Current). Sociolinguistics: LGBT identity through conversation analysis from a Japanese perspective. This is an extension of my previous including two longitudinal case studies.
- (Current). Classroom research: Using drama in L2 reading and communication classrooms as alternative pedagogy to classic TOEIC test preparation.
- [Master's Thesis] Extracurricular L2 Input in a Japanese EFL Context: Exposure, Attitudes, and Motivation. University of Hawai‘i at Manoa (2013). [Paper]
- ESL Test Development Project. Second Language Testing and Assessment. University of Hawai‘i at Manoa (2013). [Presentation]
- Assessment Article Critique of Lee, H., & Winke P. (2013). The differences among three-, four-, and five-option-item formats in the context of a high-stakes English-language listening test. [Paper]
- Evaluating Language-Testing: Item Analysis and Descriptive Statistics. University of Hawai‘i at Manoa (2012). [Presentation]
- Process vs. Production: Drama as Pedagogy in the Second Language Classroom. University of Hawai‘i at Manoa (2012). [Click for Paper]
- Genre Analysis and Needs Analysis in ESP Pedagogy. University of Hawaii at Manoa (2012). [Presentation] [Paper]
- Coming out as Talk-in-Interation: LGBT Identity Development through Language and Membership Categorization. University of Hawai‘i at Manoa (2012). [Presentation]
- [Article Review] Taking a Closer Look at an ESP Needs Analysis: An Analysis and Critique of a Survey-based Research Article. University of Hawai‘i at Manoa (2012). [Paper]
- Phonological Contrastive Analysis between English and Japanese. University of Hawai‘i at Manoa (2012). [Paper]
- Phonological Issues for English-speakers of Vietnamese. University of Hawai‘i at Manoa (2011). [Presentation]
- Florida’s English Language and Bilingual Education Policies. University of Hawai‘i at Manoa (2011). [Presentation]
- From the Attic to a Room of One’s Own: Architecture as Metaphor in the Evolution of Women and Their Literature in the Nineteenth Century. [unpublished thesis proposal]. University of Texas at Dallas (2004). [Paper]